
desktop jewel muffin

Here's an interesting and cutie-pa-tu-tee way to hold your paperclips.

Small fat cardborad box from a craft supply store
Gold glitter glue for a glue gun
glue gun (mine is designated for glitter glue)
plastic jewels of different shapes and sizes. Mix bags work well here
bold craft paint (I dig blue)

Paint box base inside out and let dry. Have jewels ready to rock and rock, the glue will set fast after touching air. Work in small parts, shimmy the glitter glue from the gun onto the side of the lid to start. After about an inch or so, arange your jewels. Keep moving until side of lid is done.
Work on the top of lid using the same technique. Keep rocking and rolling until lid is completely bejeweled and lovely. Don't be afraid, the glue stings for just a bit if you accedently touch it! Viola! A jeweled muffin perfect for those pesky paperclips.